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Ludovic Robin - artworks, comics and illustrationsAlmost everything I create deals with the individual in search of himself: an inner journey full of dreams and disappointments, fears and hopes, all in contradiction. And so that the viewer wonders about his own inner journey, I like to create destabilizing works, which challenge, even if it makes him uncomfortable. I try to get us out of our comfort zone, I reject consensual.
To support all these aspects, I like to use contrast: via very different techniques on the same medium, playing on the black & white/ color opposition, combining violence and softness. I am not attached to a particular medium or format.
And since it is a question of showing an inner journey, my phases of creations always begin by making the void in my mind and leaving images to be created spontaneously, until one of them freezes and marks me as I try to mark the person who will see the work.
